Behavioral Health Initiative

The Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance works to improve the behav­ioral health care sys­tem in Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming at a sys­tems lev­el through high-lev­el, cross-sec­toral col­lab­o­ra­tion. As such, the Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance facil­i­tates com­mu­ni­ty-wide actions that enhance pre­ven­tion, treat­ment, and cri­sis response efforts while address­ing the gaps and inequities in the sys­tem to ben­e­fit all who live and work in Teton Coun­ty. Well-being is not only a result of indi­vid­ual choic­es; it is also deter­mined by the qual­i­ty of con­nec­tions and con­nec­tiv­i­ty we have to oth­ers, our sense of belong­ing, and our abil­i­ty to access resources. The Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance rec­og­nizes that togeth­er we have the pow­er to shape our expe­ri­ence and tra­jec­to­ry as a community.

Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance at Work

The Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance applies the col­lec­tive impact mod­el to improve the behav­ioral health care sys­tem in Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming. Col­lec­tive impact is a frame­work that is used to solve com­plex prob­lems. It requires a high-lev­el of col­lab­o­ra­tion among cross-sec­toral stake­hold­ers who are com­mit­ted to a shared agen­da and the desired out­come of achiev­ing pop­u­la­tion and sys­tems-lev­el changes. As such, the Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance facil­i­tates com­mu­ni­ty-wide actions that enhance pre­ven­tion, treat­ment, and cri­sis response efforts while address­ing the gaps and inequities in the sys­tem to ben­e­fit all who live and work in Teton County.

2024 Behav­ioral Health Report

The State of Behav­ioral Health in Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming (2024)

The Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance (Alliance), an ini­tia­tive of the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole, part­nered with the Katz Ams­ter­dam Foun­da­tion on this project, to con­duct a com­mu­ni­ty-wide sur­vey to bet­ter under­stand behav­ioral health needs and gaps in care. The first sur­vey was con­duct­ed in the sum­mer of 2021. A sec­ond iter­a­tion of the sur­vey was com­plet­ed in Feb­ru­ary 2024. Both sur­veys includ­ed two sep­a­rate sur­veys admin­is­tered to the Greater Teton Area’s com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers and behav­ioral health providers.

In 2024, the com­mu­ni­ty sur­vey received 1,142 total respons­es and the provider sur­vey received 131. The pur­pose of the sur­veys was to gain under­stand­ing and feed­back on the community’s per­cep­tions of the men­tal health chal­lenges of liv­ing in a rur­al moun­tain com­mu­ni­ty, the sense of belong­ing and per­son­al con­nect­ed­ness, and access to care when need­ed. With mul­ti­ple data sets now avail­able, the Alliance con­tract­ed with Third Hori­zon Strate­gies (THS) to ana­lyze the sur­vey data and pro­duce this report. 

This report aims to iden­ti­fy trends or changes between the two sur­veys, pro­vide a com­mu­ni­ca­tion vehi­cle to the gen­er­al com­mu­ni­ty and key con­stituents, and help inform strate­gic plan­ning efforts in response to iden­ti­fied needs. It pro­vides a sum­ma­ry of the behav­ioral health land­scape in the Unit­ed States, key find­ings from the com­mu­ni­ty and provider sur­veys, and exam­i­na­tion of health dis­par­i­ties, par­tic­u­lar­ly among Latine/S­pan­ish-speak­ing pop­u­la­tions, and rec­om­men­da­tions for com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers to con­sid­er as it devel­ops its strate­gic response to the findings.

91824 Town Hall Meeting

Zoom record­ing of TBHA’s Town Hall 

On Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 18, 2024, Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance (TBHA) pre­sent­ed the Com­mu­ni­ty Behav­ioral Health Needs Sur­vey and the Provider Sur­vey find­ings and intro­duce the Behav­ioral Health Dash­board to the com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing a town hall-style meet­ing at Teton Coun­ty Library’s Ord­way Auditorium.

Behav­ioral Health Dashboard

The Behav­ioral Health Dash­board is a data tool col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly cre­at­ed by invest­ed com­mu­ni­ty part­ners in part­ner­ship with the Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance and Lega­cy Works. This shared data tool will help inform and guide future behav­ioral health sup­port for Teton County. 

The Dash­board was sup­port­ed with fund­ing from the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole.