Senior Center of Jackson Hole
830 E Hansen Ave
Jackson, 83001

Join us for a Round­table Dis­cus­sion focused on non­prof­it fundrais­ing by Ker­ry Sud­des of Sud­des Solu­tions. This event is geared toward any­one who works or vol­un­teers in a non­prof­it and has fundrais­ing responsibilities.

If you’re strug­gling with scat­tered focus, process, or rou­tine in your fundrais­ing efforts then The Qual­i­fied Fun­der List is the place to start. When you make one list the cen­ter­piece of your fundrais­ing prac­tice, you can sim­pli­fy rou­tines and habits that:

  • Focus on your most capa­ble and aligned rela­tion­ships first and with consistency

  • Raise more funds from few­er, more qual­i­fied relationships

  • Max­i­mize your time and return on energy

Peer Dis­cus­sion will focus on:

  • Iden­ti­fy­ing cur­rent process for rela­tion­ship man­age­ment — what’s work­ing and what’s not

  • A 3‑step process for build­ing and uti­liz­ing your Qual­i­fied Fun­der List

  • Defin­ing what makes a qual­i­fied rela­tion­ship for your organization 

  • Embrac­ing new habits that dri­ve orga­ni­za­tion­al focus toward one list

  • Build­ing con­fi­dence for deep­er fun­der con­ver­sa­tions and asks

  • Max­i­miz­ing exist­ing rela­tion­ships and build­ing promis­ing new ones

About Ker­ry Suddes

For 18 years, Ker­ry has helped pur­pose-dri­ven orga­ni­za­tions and lead­ers step into their role as change-mak­ers by trans­form­ing their approach to fundrais­ing. She helps those who don’t like ask­ing for mon­ey” (but need to) embrace an impact mind­set, con­nect with ease, and move capa­ble stake­hold­ers to invest. Ker­ry has coached and trained exec­u­tives and teams through suc­cess­ful fund­ing efforts rang­ing from $100K to $100M. www​.sud​desso​lu​tions​.com


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