Community Behavioral Health Needs Survey Underway

Foun­da­tion News

Indi­vid­u­als who live and/​or work in Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming can help the Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance, an ini­tia­tive of the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole, improve the qual­i­ty of life in the region by com­plet­ing the Com­mu­ni­ty Behav­ioral Health Needs Survey.

The online sur­vey is avail­able at www​.prc​sur​vey​.com/​b​e​g​i​n​/​T​e​t​o​n​C​o​u​n​t​y​W​Y2024 from now until Feb­ru­ary 16, 2024. The con­fi­den­tial sur­vey asks ques­tions about com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tions, qual­i­ty of life, and health needs relat­ed to men­tal health and alco­hol use. The sur­vey was first con­duct­ed in 2020. The same core ques­tions will be asked again this year to under­stand our com­mu­ni­ty’s chang­ing behav­ioral health needs. The demo­graph­ic ques­tions have been revised to include more inclu­sive language. 

The results of the sur­vey will help local orga­ni­za­tions under­stand where the great­est needs exist and iden­ti­fy ways to strength­en the ser­vices and com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tions that improve the qual­i­ty of life for those who live and/​or work in Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming.” said Kate Schelbe, Back­bone Leader of the Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance. The sur­vey will be con­duct­ed every two years so that we can see changes over time.”

The sur­vey is avail­able in Eng­lish and Span­ish and takes less than 10 min­utes to com­plete. Our goal is to col­lect 1,500 responses.

In order to cap­ture an accu­rate snap­shot of the com­mu­ni­ty, we want to hear from all voic­es, ” said Schelbe. Input from every­one is vital to cre­at­ing a holis­tic view of what is hap­pen­ing in the behav­ioral health space in our community.” 

The sur­vey is being admin­is­tered by PRC, Pro­fes­sion­al Research Con­sul­tants, with gen­er­ous fund­ing from our part­ners at the Katz Ams­ter­dam Foundation. 

For more infor­ma­tion regard­ing the sur­vey, or to take the online sur­vey, vis­it www​.prc​sur​vey​.com/​b​e​g​i​n​/​T​e​t​o​n​C​o​u​n​t​y​W​Y2024.

Teton Behav­ioral Health Alliance Members:

Cham­ber of Com­merce (Häa­gen-Dazs) • CLIMB Wyoming • Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole • Com­mu­ni­ty Safe­ty Net­work • Gen­der Spec­trum • Jack­son Police Depart­ment • Men­tal Health and Recov­ery Ser­vices of JH • Men­tal Well­ness Col­lab­o­ra­tive • One22 Resource Cen­ter • Pri­vate Prac­ti­tion­ers • St. John’s Health • Teton Behav­ior Ther­a­py • Teton Coun­ty & Pros­e­cut­ing Attorney’s Office • Teton Coun­ty Health Depart­ment • Teton Coun­ty School Dis­trict #1 • Teton Coun­ty Sheriff’s Office • Teton Lit­er­a­cy Cen­ter • Teton Youth and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices • Town of Jack­son • Voic­es Jack­son Hole • Wyoming Immi­grant Advo­ca­cy Project